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Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Pandemic 1.0 AKA So i'm not gonna comment if you liken what i say to dry fucking.

It has recently come to my attention that I am not a sympathetic character.

I alienate my sole commenter.

I abandon my Wigmore. 
I am drowning the fetus in coffee.

It was supposed to be tough love, to get her to embrace independence, the toaster.
But all I get is written off instantly as a corpse in the street.
She gets a cold and the world ends.

But today is a day of triumph T, B-T readership because she's talking after three weeks of silence. Honestly, despite the initial bad press, I count the past two days as a complete success and it was totally worth sleeping in the library.  I shall go home and make her a mountain of toast. A structure so vast, perfect and crumb-based, that you'll weep to see it. Shangri-La with Marmite.

Is that sympathetic enough for you?

And at least she's engaging with Pandemic 1.0 a Transmedia ARG experience which is happening now at Sundance. Oh, trust there'll be a full report when it's done but for now....


The entry points are this trailer:

Hope Is Missing - the main ARG website and data collation point
An aggregate Twitter feed of the characters
The Facebook discussion group started by the brave readers and gameplayers who are trying to puzzle it all out
Chuck Wendig (co-writer)'s rules for story participation are here
Hope is Missing's Youtube channel

The UEA library is so dank and unattractive. I'm going to scurry home and make it up to her.